Does anyone remember the day when COVID became a thing, but it was more the punchline of a joke? I remember I was on my way to Balboa Park, San Diego for an engagement session. Jenny and Steve wanted their engagement photos in the Alcazar Garden in Balboa Park since that would soon be their last name. They loved the sentiment it would have, and frankly, so did I!
Everyone was talking about COVID and yet when I arrived at Balboa Park, there were so many people! In that moment it was something that we all kind of laughed about. I didn’t think much of it. Life was normal. My business was booming. Things were good. I did not expect for things to turn out the way that they have. I will always remember this session, because it would be the last session I did for a long time. The next week we would go into lockdown, and it would be the last time, in a long time, that things were normal.
About Jenny and Steve…
It was 2006 when Jenny and Steve met on a school bus. Little did they know that this moment would begin the rest of their lives. Today, they have been together for 10 years, but if you asked them, they would say it feels like a lifetime. They still give each other butterflies.

The excitement of their relationship started early on. On their first date they went to dinner in Seal Beach, CA. If you ask Jenny, it was the best dinner she ever had. Joy filled the night, as they had light-hearted and fun conversation. She couldn’t have asked for a better first date. Several years later Jenny and Steve were talking about their future. Babies, weddings, what they wanted out of life, you know, all that good stuff. Steve looked at Jenny and said, “Jenny I could not imagine my life being with anyone else.” That was the moment they knew, they were going spend the rest of their lives together.
On March 3rd 2019, Steve took Jenny out for a wonderful dinner. After they ate, they decided to walk off their food and go view the telescopes in Signal Hill, CA. Jenny was so excited to look through them. They soaked up the moment, comfortably talking, and looking at the world before them.
Jenny was looking through the telescope when Steve grabbed her hand.
“Jenny what would you say if I asked you to marry me?” Butterflies flooded her stomach and when she turned to look at him she realized, he was actually proposing!
“I would say YES!”
It was a perfect moment, truly representing them as a couple and their relationship.

On their wedding day Jenny will be saying yes to his really loud burps but she will also be saying yes to the man who gives his time, talents, and money graciously. She absolutely adores how giving Steve is and believes that his generosity has changed her heart for the better. On her wedding day she cant wait to walk into the reception, with all her friends and family, and hear those words
“And now for the first time, we introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Alcazar!”
On their wedding day Steve will be saying yes to Jenny constantly putting his keys in places where he can’t find them. However, he will also be saying yes to the way she graciously cooks for him and makes his lunch every day. Steve is inspired by her loyalty and love. She shows it to everyone she cares about. He looks forward to seeing his beautiful bride walk down the aisle in her dress for the first time.
This Balboa Park engagement session was definitely a show stopper! I must say, getting to be their photographer and tell their story has been an honor. Getting to know them and see the love they have for each other has been a joy and I look forward to telling the story of their wedding day!

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